Need a writer to bring your idea to life?

What I Do:

  • Movies

    • Let’s get that great idea of yours on paper. We can always begin with a treatment

    • Have an active project or production and need a professional set of eyes? Happy to consult

  • Novels and Non-Fiction

    • Available for ghostwriting and co-writing

  • Video Games

  • Have another media project? Let’s talk!

What I Don’t Do:

  • I do not write with AI tools.

    Art and creativity are critical elements of the human experience. While technology can be wonderful, when it does the thinking for us — and makes creative decisions for us — the work it produces loses the very thing that makes it artistic.

    What’s more, though AI has a vast amount of source material to draw on, it has never experienced emotion and has never lived through a single experience. You, on the other hand, have lived through countless, as has every other human on Earth. You and I have more originality in our spinal cords than a Language Learning Model ever will.

    By hiring me, you are hiring a collaborator whose craft has been honed by over a decade of professional experience and a life that has been lived.

  • I don’t do paid consultations and/or feedback for amateur screenwriters. If you’re curious about my reasons for that, I spoke to them a bit right here.